Where do you want to go

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Part 6: Revisiting the Butterfly Curtain

Today is Conference Saturday for my church, and we are listening to the afternoon session of it. I listened to the morning session while at work. Whenever I listen to conference at home, I always work on a project. So I decided I needed to get back to my daughter's butterfly curtains for her bedroom; these are the two butterflies I made today. I will do a few more tomorrow.
Sneak peak of one of the curtains in progress. Also one of the butterflies in the last photo has a quarter next to for a size reference to give you an idea of scale.
sneak peak
size reference see quarter

Part1: butterfly 1
Part 2: butterfly 2 and 3
Part 3: butterfly 4 and 5
Part4: butterfly curtain patterns
Part 5: butterfly 6
part 6: butterfly 7 and 8
Part 7: butterfly 9 - 15


  1. beautiful. I embroidered a pillowcase. Something I have wanted to do for a very long time. =D
    Loved Conference! I've been looking forward to this for a year, since I had to work during the April one.

  2. The curtains will sure be pretty.
    I worked on a new pair of socks I am knitting for my husband while we listened to conference tomorrow..but embroidery is my first love and no doubt I will be doing some later tonight.

  3. Beautiful & neat. My sis made a similar butterfly on pillow cushions. :-) She used stem stitch & fish bone.
