Where do you want to go

Monday, October 06, 2008

Part 7: Seven More butterflies done

Two more butterflies to go on this curtain. Number one is almost done; too bad there are two of them, which means a total of 19 more butterflies to go. Yet this was a good amount to be done for one day. My six year old is excited that I am working on this; it's a good thing she still likes butterflies or my sewing room would get its old curtains back with butterflies on them. On some of these photos you can see the weave of the fabric real well; that is because that is a real small butterfly on the curtain and I am zoomed in real close. The ones that you can't see the weave as well are more the size of an adult female's hand. So there is a variety of sizes and styles all over this curtain.
oriental butterfly
green orange blue butterfly
yellow butterfly
varigated blue butterfly
yellow red butterfly

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