Where do you want to go

Monday, July 07, 2008

yoyo quilt help

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I haven't worked on the four patch yoyo quilt in a while, we have about 5 different yoyo quilts in different stages of finished. So when we went to Nevada I took it along as one of my car travel projects. The yoyos are all safety pined together so when ever we stopped I could pick up the project and fold it and everything stays in place. I want to make more yoyos in the future to make this a little bigger but at the moment we just need to get the current yoyos all sewn down and in place.

When we got home from Nevada my oldest daughter agreed to help me some on it. Nice to have a child old enough to add an extra pair of hands to a project. My daughter is sitting on the yoyos that are already sewn together she isn't sitting on the safety pins encase one opens.


  1. I love yo yo's - what are you using for backing for the quilt? It appears you are sewing the yo yo's on to a backing or am I wrong?

  2. there is not backing you are seeing my rugs through the holes. This is also the back of the quilt as that is how they are sew together from the back
