Where do you want to go

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Here is what is left to do

part left to straighten
As you can see, lots of boxes and lots of fabric and supplies are all over my sewing room. Biggest mess is on top of that table where I work on projects. Like I said, it is nearest to the door which makes it a dumping ground. All the fabric on the table is 100% cotton; the fabric behind the door is 100% Pendleton wool mill ends. I use it, the wool, to make rugs and other such things. This isn't stripped yet because I have about ten boxes of wool (the size of the green and blue totes in this picture) stored in my garage that is all ready to make a rug. For those who are waiting for the rest of the rug tutorial, the next installment or two will be on Saturday. I hope you have all your fabric washed and stripped, ready to sew and braid. If you click on the picture, it will take you to flickr where there are all kinds of notes on this picture.

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