Where do you want to go

Monday, May 14, 2007

A Touch of Flowers


My peony is in bloom; I just love the bright color.


This is the first year my wisteria has actually bloomed well. Last fall I got one bloom and was happy to have it. The year before that, nothing, and the year before that I planted them. So this is the first time I get to be real excited about them. I have another wisteria plant on my porch but it blooms later in the season. I am hoping I get to enjoy it this year, too, because I have never seen a bloom on that plant.

It was so nice to see all these flowers on Mother's Day, especially since I was home with a sick kid and not able to visit my mother-in-law or my husband's grandmother. My children and husband got me a lovely little rose bush.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful!! I love wisteria..I hadn't known if it would do well here, but looking at yours I may have to plant some!!
    I hope you had a wonderful Mothers day!!
