Where do you want to go

Saturday, May 12, 2007

28 Threads...

All that there is left to do 'till this is finished is to weave in all the loose tails. It took three days from start to finish. Now just to give it to our friends. I was asked how I was joining the pieces. So enclosed in this post are some close ups so you can see the joins between blocks. Please click on the photos for a better view.

A little bit of edging and block joining.
Block joining and a corner block join.Edginghooked on crochet. Get yours at bighugelabs.com/flickr


  1. Thanks for showing a close up of how you are joining them. That is the problem with granny squares, I like them, but figuring out a nice way to join them is the hard part.
    Anyways, great work!

