Where do you want to go

Thursday, July 06, 2006

happy birthday mom

Little Purple Pansies dressed with Yellow

These always remind me of my dear mother-in-law and the 4th of July. I know it is 2 days late, but I will post this now in honor of her and the 4th. Saw these on a little morning walk and could not resist a photo so sweet and fragile. Yet very happy to greet the world with a big smile.


  1. Hi Sunshine! Love your blog and the beautiful roses lining the sides!! I am still amazed at the tiny little hexagons in your quilt! Wow.......Did you take the photo of the little purple flower? Is it a violet or a viola. Beautiful!! Glad you linked to my blog!

  2. Hi Aunt George Thank you for the compliment!Yes I took that photo it is from some pansies in my neighbors yard to big to be violas.
