Have been working on the Santa stocking for my cousin been in bed most the last few days. So it is making a little bit of progress. The one on the right is the one I am trying to match color wise. I think it is pretty close. My tension so far is pretty close to that of the original sock I am copying. But we will see what happens when I get to the intarsia part the color work area of the socks hanging and the Santa body. I have not done much intarsia so in my knitting it is very much a week point for me.
As to the color matching
- My cream is a little light in color but that could be age of the old wool.
- My red is a brighter red also could be age.
- My green is more a blue green that has nothing to do with age I just had a hard time matching that color and the skin tone well I purposely made that a tiny bit darker less pink more peach also for that part since so little is used it is tapestry wool.
- The angora part the beard that is not coming out as close as I would have liked it to be. But since the store only had one type of angora I had not a whole lot of say in that part of the yarn choices.
Because of the intarsia color work the pieces is knit flat then joined in the round after the green section is done.
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