Where do you want to go

Friday, November 28, 2014

cancer research

I do not like to put the names of minors on the Internet but my daughter feels strongly about this contest so here I go.

This is my daughter China Khoral she is in a song writing contest. She sang, composed the music and wrote the lyrics for the song for this. If you like the song please go put a like on her song. This is to raise money for cancer research th etop 20 popular vote tgo to the next level where 12 are picked to be in the album to help raise money for cancer reasearch. Her grandmother died at the end of my daughters 7th grade year from pancreatic cancer.  Not long after ward so did her great uncle  from testicular cancer and her  great grandfather the previous year from cancer of the blood all from different types of cancer. We had lived with the grandmother at one point in my daughters' life and she was more like a mother to my children than a grandmother. Life has trials and they make us strong I consider my children to be some of the strongest people I have known. They face life head on and are resilient.   This song is about the trials my daughter went through during the time of her grandmother passing and her other relatives which was during a time she was being bullied at school. She is an amazing young woman. I hope her song gets picked to be one of 12 on the album so she can help others through her music and be able to donate her energies to cancer research by the money the album will raise. Thank you for your time with this. 
 p.s. the image here is of my daughter she is looking out over 1/4 of Arizona state from the highest point in the state while on her Concert choir tour this last summer. Reach hi and keep reaching

This is what she has written about her own song.

My name is China Khoral and I am almost seventeen. The reason I decided that I wanted to send in my song to Songs for Life was because although I don’t have cancer, I have an inherited bleeding disorder that affects my every day life. Consequently, some things are difficult for me to do and sometimes going through a day can be a struggle. As a result, I can relate to cancer patients in that their everyday life is not an easy stroll, but more of a steep hike that they take one step at a time. Though I have this quirk I do not let it stop me. I dance, sing, act, write, play sports, paint, draw, and lead a technical theater crew. I enjoy both sides of the stage and have come to live by this motto that “The harder I work the more luck I have.”
Girl I Wanna Be” is about when I was being bullied through the end of elementary and throughout junior high. I was judged because of my personality, the way I dressed, and the fact that I liked to do what the boys did. Towards the end of my seventh grade year I was physically bullied by a boy twice my size. I was injured in such a way that my feet were two inches out of alignment. This was what broke me and taught me to forget what other thought and just be me.
A year ago I started taking composing lessons and made the choice to tell my story through music. I hope that through this song others may be able to stand, let their flame burn, and be the person they wanna be. This is my song for life.

 Here is the link
The Girl I Wanna Be lyrics written, music composed and sung by China Khoral if you like it please hit like on the facebook like  link in the contest page we would greatly appreciate that.

here is how it works

  1. September 15-November 15:  Upload your original song or your version of a cover song, a photo and a short description of your song.
  2. September 15-November 30: Social Media Sharing and voting. Share your song with your family, friends and on social media. Highest number of Facebook likes determines the top 20 candidates.
  3. December 1: Final selections of 12 winners will be announced by the Songs For Life Review Committee. Winning artists will be posted on the site. One additional winner with the best “I Am Not My Pain” version will be selected for this year’s album.
  4. Twelve winners will be given up to $2,000 each towards recording studio fees at Soularium Studios in Alpine, UT if needed. Winners will also be allocated up to $1500 in travel expenses if needed. Final production to be completed by January 31, 2015.
thank you all that helped my daughter with her song and the contests the positions changed a lot in the end they took the top 25 because everyone was moving so much she was number 26. So yes she was real close thank you all so she does not get to go to the next level 29 votes more and she would have been in. Thanks for all the help it was fun to watch and see all the help. 81 songs were entered and she was going against a lot of adults a good effort on her part and all of you thank you so much.

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