Where do you want to go

Saturday, November 03, 2012

French beaded Red Rose hair ornament

Encase you have been curious to what this technique is called that I have sort of been  doing French beaded flowers for the last two posts  The reason I say sort of is that I have never read any instructions on it just seen pictures and a few examples in real life and am going from the ideas I figured out from what I saw.

IMG_1884I will probably play with this technique more and get some books on the subject just to make sure I am doing it correctly.  If not oh well i still like what I made.  The beads are some that I found while thrift shopping one day and they were already strung onto a long wire how convenient was that.  This is sew to the hair comb then glued to it just encase you are curious.  Yes this is a heavy hair piece with all those beads but if you have a good tight French braid or twist it will nest into the hair quiet well and be secure.   This is in my youngest daughters hair.  I was wondering what am I going to do when all my children are grown I will not have live mannequins anymore.

Update sad day: My oldest daughter lost this the very first time she wore it in public ( we think outside a friends house in the gutter) I am sad and her sisters are mad at her becasue they wanted to wear it.  So much for so many hours of work.  Some times I just love my blog on days like this as I can still have pictures of what I made even when it is gone for good.

Second update November 26: The neighbor that we visited has it and we got it back today.  Fun story with it.  My daughter lost it.  The neighbor of our friend found it.  Our friends daughter  went to return something they borrowed when the neighbor asked if it was hers.  She said no she had never seen it before.  The neighbor gave it to her since they had no daughters  when she got home and was excited to show her parents she was told they knew who it belonged to and it had to go back.  She was sad but gave it back to us.   So as a thank you I will make her something for her hair because it bites to be given something you find out you can not keep.  It was still in mint shape impressive since I am almost certain it fell in the gutter but maybe it landed on the grass next to the curb.


  1. Just stunning! I really admire the way you just figure stuff out for yourself.

  2. i think it is more fun that way. Then I buy a book and figure out if I did it like everyone else. Sometimes I have not. Then I get to decided which way I like it better the way I did it or the way everyone else does. Some times I choose both sometimes mine and sometimes everyone elses but either way it goes I have always learned something.
