Where do you want to go

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Lavonda Rose Oya scarf done

tied to the side

as head scarfI finished the scarf I started the other day.  It ended up with  53 roses.  My oldest daughter made two of the roses to try them out also she finished all the the thread but 4 so I would not have to do that.

If you do it with synthetic thread like nylon or polyester which is what is used in Turkey you melt the ends and that part goes faster  but you  tend to burn your fingers too and if not careful singe your crochet.
I  think the scarf came out pretty well myself.  I will enjoy wearing it.  I think it is rather feminine in appearance with the delicate flowers dancing around as a person walks or moves.

worn as neck scarf

This makes me want to add more edgings to my scarfs.  I so love this  just says feminine all over it.

detail headscarfhead scarfdetail

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