Where do you want to go

Saturday, April 14, 2012


beaded neckalce 
I like my beads very well sorted so that I can use them to do color work in my bead-work.  I find beads quiet often while thrifting and it usually takes weeks to months to sort them all out.  I found some a few weeks ago in a plastic box it.  It was mixed with pony beads, other plastic beads, seed beads and random beads.  After pulling out everything I did not want, all the plastic beads I gave those to my kids, I was left with glass beads both small Indian seed beads and a few larger rocaille pink and red beds. 
But they where all still quiet mixed up and would still take weeks to sort which is usually fine with me.  Yet for some reason I did not want to take the time to sort this.  Usually that means I place them in my bead box and deal with them at a later date as much as a few months or even years down the road as I like the beads  just don't want to spend the time right then to fix the mess  sometimes I can convince my kids to sort for me in trade for the plastic beads not this time. This time was different the beads for the most part where harmonious in color (pinks, reds, whites, clears, lavenders) which usually is not the case.  So I got out my bead spinner and set to work stringing the mixed up mess of beads into long strands of beads.  In the end this is what I came up with no sorting of beads and a only a few hours of beading and I have a nice new necklace for me to wear.  I like mixed up bead necklaces like this but usually I buy them as I said I like my beads very well organized so this is not something I would purposely do on a normal bases is to toss them together and mix them up as I know how long it would take to undo if I don't like it.  But this was already mixed up and I already knew I liked the color scheme so a win situation all the way around.  Of course as always my children are now claiming it to be their necklace and not mine.
bead detail

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