Where do you want to go

Friday, April 27, 2012

Making red edging

alternate romanian lace cord
I am making some red edgings to use in my Romanian point lace.  This is one of those projects that I just carry around with me to kids soccer games and the like.  Don't have much done yet but hope to have lots in the future have not figured out a project for it yet just prepping for something. Well I sort of have some ideas but they are a little scattered still and not fully worked out yet.
lots of thread to go

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Mom's bridesmaids moss green dress

frontWe (my sister laws and my self) have been going through more of mom's items (mother in law).  We found a large stash of mom's dresses from her teens to early twenty’s.  The dresses are early 60's to early 70's some might be from around 1958.  It was fun going through some of them. one reason is so those that are far away can see the true color of the dresses and so they can know the dimensions of the dress.  The other is just to have a record of all of them together.   In the process of doing that I will also repair what needs repairing so they are usable by all my nieces and sisters. I want to go and take pictures of them all before they get split to the four winds sort of like GGH aprons.

This is a dress that was made not for mom but one of her bridesmaids and it was never worn or finished but mom kept it as a memory from her wedding. We have no idea why it was never finished.  This dress has been in storage for over 45 years so it is older than I am sort of cool.

I just spent about 10 hours (update added about 6 more hours to repairs on this for other hems that we decided had issues too) hand sewing a lot of the seams down and repairing a few of the seams that are already in it. I also spent quiet a few hours cleaning not able to get all the age stains out of it and trying to get rid of the permanent creases it had from being folded for that long.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Beaded crochet necklace free pattern

detail of beaded cord
I was playing with rocaille beads.
pattern instructions below
This is for choker style if you want it longer you will need to have a lot more beads.

**If you like my blog and the free patterns and tutorials and want to say thank you
I have a wish list on ravelry of patterns I would like to make. 
Thank you in advance for being kind and
saying thank you back.

Love Sunshine
But please do not feel like you have to**

Saturday, April 14, 2012


beaded neckalce 
I like my beads very well sorted so that I can use them to do color work in my bead-work.  I find beads quiet often while thrifting and it usually takes weeks to months to sort them all out.  I found some a few weeks ago in a plastic box it.  It was mixed with pony beads, other plastic beads, seed beads and random beads.  After pulling out everything I did not want, all the plastic beads I gave those to my kids, I was left with glass beads both small Indian seed beads and a few larger rocaille pink and red beds. 

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Pansy Brooch RPLAL April Free Pattern

hand for size refference
Here is the last RPLAL pattern for the month of April but this one also has the tutorials with it of how to do the this and the others

Pansy Collar April RPLA free pattern

april collar butons down back

Here is the second patterns out of three.  The collar can be worn with the button down the back down the front or over the shoulder.  You could also make it the yoke of a shirt for a baby or adult. Read on to get the free download pattern.

Monday, April 09, 2012

April RPLAL Free pattern Pansy Doily

 april pansy doily

This one is in honor of my mother-in-law.  All us kids knew she loved little purple pansies and even had a children's song she would sing about them that was her favorite.  Read on for the free pattern download below from ravelry.

Sunday, April 08, 2012

Happy Easter

I hope everyone has a lovely Easter. I am thinking of my mother-in-law and my Vavo this day and salvation.  Just sort of odd without them I guess this is the starting point of new traditions with my children.

Monday, April 02, 2012

Knit Easter Eggs/Teaching middle daughter to knit

all 3 eggs with hand for size reference
My middle daughter has been fighting me for about 2 years on learning to knit.   She always says she wants the stuff I knit and I keep telling her she can make it herself if she learns to knit, I do give her stuff but i was trying to get her to learn something new.   Which of course  she says she will never do, knit that is.   Well this very same daughter loves amigurumi....I had an idea brewing for a while on this...