Where do you want to go

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Golden Queen Sweater

This is a mixture of the crochet shawl pattern and some knitting to make a sweater. The sweater is on the wrong mannequin. When it is on the correct one (the one with the apron) the holes are not in weird locations. The solid band of knitting actually goes over the breast area instead of weird holes. I was too lazy to undress the correct mannequin this morning to make it look right. Just wanted to show what I have been working on in the last few days.
front on wrong mannequin
On this sweater there will be cables running down both sides of the front and one center back. When finished there will also be cables running down the center of both sleeves, they will be long sleeves. The solid horizontal band you see will actually run over the top of the bosom not below it and will look more correct. It will have embroidery on it, as well. I plan to wear this with a skirt I have that has battenberg lace on it that I got from Anthropologie over a year ago. I have had issues trying to get something to go with that skirt, so I hope this will work. I think my camera was getting into the festivities of the holiday; I have no idea why I have so many light spots in the photos when the item is a solid color, not mottled.
right side

1 comment:

  1. I love the innovative use of crochet and knit in this garment! Can't wait to see it finished!
