Where do you want to go

Monday, August 23, 2010

Bolero Romanian Point progress

I went on vacation for a few days and took this as my work-on-in-the-car-project.  It is now about 90 percent done and looks like it may fit me.  Although my middle daughter is still claiming it to be hers.  I was happy to let her learn to make the cord with my help, which she did for about 5 inches of cord.  I was going to copy the pattern for her use.  But after the 5 inches of cord she decided she didn't want to make yards and yards of cord.  She decided she would just have mine.  I have explained that isn't an option but well she is a kid and thinks she knows best.  My oldest wants to give the cord a try to so she can have one.  I don't think she will get much farther either but she is welcome to try.  I offered both all the supplies they need and my help but I don't they have the patients yet.  I can't remember if I told you that the thread that made the cord is vintage/antique and the threads making the filling stitches are discontinued if not now I have.  The cord is made out of bedspread weight thread and the filing stitches are size 30 thread.  While on vacation I showed this to my almost 96 year old grandmother she said I was crazy to make so many little knots, there are not actually knots in it just filling stitches but she calls them knots.  But on the same vain it is quiet beautiful to her.  She loves teasing me always says I am crazy but that the items are worth the effort.

Thease photos are oldest to newest.

While visiting my sister this was my progress




While I was at my grandmother's home this was my progress









I worked on it more at my husbands grandfather's house but didn't take photos of where I am now. I have finished all the pink, green, and brown areas. I have a few cream scrolls to finish then I am done with it.


  1. Just wanted to saw beautiful work and think your daughters have a great teacher.


  2. How blessed you are to have daughters interested in this and to have the talent to do such beautiful work. Thank you for taking us along on your RPL journey.
