Where do you want to go

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Beads and knitting

showing the drape

Decided I am frogging this I don't have enough beads to make this two sided (a little hand purse).  So I thought about making the other side just lacy but decided against it.  This is knitted with the beads that I had already strung onto the thread.  I am knitting with DMC size 30 brown crochet thread.
size reffernce 
I  did this yesterday during meetings at my kids school.  I was teaching myself this just so I would know how to k nit with beads this way.  I think next time I will use smaller beads and then I probably won't frog it.  This (the beads and thread) will probably still be used to make a renaissance type of snood for next years Shakespeare week at school. As I have already spent hours stringing the beads, it would be a shame not to use them. I will probably do it in crochet though.  There was about 8 hours of time in this knitting and stringing, but it was not wasted time. I was listening and taking notes of the lectures I had been in.  My main goal was to learn how to do this, the fact that there will not be anything but these three photos to show my work is fine with me.  The knowledge is now in my head and that is what I wanted.
about 2  inches wide and 5 inches long


  1. excellent work, great attitude; i agree all the way


  2. Great attitude and a wonderful look.
