Where do you want to go

Thursday, April 08, 2010

New Yoyo tool

just an idea

Over Easter break we had a road trip.  My sister wanted to pick up making yoyos so I took a yoyo tool ( the jumbo blue one) and some other stuff so she could see how to do it by hand  with just a needle and thread and with the tool.  She liked by hand better as do I.
 easter road trip project
During which time I tried to entertain my children with having them work with the  jumbo blue clover yoyo tool.  It is always amazing to me how big the tool is and how the size of the yoyo compares to it.  I have wanted a tone on tone yoyo coverlet for a while so this just may be the start of that project.
jumbo clover yoyo tool and size of yoyos

new clover oval tool and size
Also yesterday while running errands I purchased the newest clover yoyo tool the one for making ovals.  I have yet to play with it but my 12 year old did and she said it was easy to work with.  Once again the size difference but it seemed much more obvious with the oval tool as opposed to the round tool.
 size of yoyos from oval tool
These would work well with the round smaller size yoyos to make a sort of cathedral windows look.  I may have to make a sample of that to explain what I mean.  It wouldn't look exactly like a cathedral windows quilt but similar in feel with the shapes used arches in other words.


  1. I too have wanted a yo-yo coverlet for my bed. I purchased a yo-yo maker,one size down from the one you have and have made over 700 yo-yos. I don't think that will be nearly enough. I now have one your size and think I may make a lot of them and see if I can use both sizes together to make the coverlet. What do you think?

  2. I think they would work together you can make a nice edging with the smaller yoyos or you can drop the smaller yoyos into the corners and make a pattern with large and small would love to see a picture when done.

  3. That is so sweet of you to say. I hope your day is going great!
