Where do you want to go

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Lace beadwork


This first piece is actually a necklace to fit a 10 month old baby.  Yes a little impractical.  But it was for my first daughter to wear at her first Halloween she was dressed as a flapper and I made her a hat and all.  The next child that wore the necklace broke it so the third never got the chance to wear it.  It is broken between the second and third bleeding heart on the top left side of this photo. I don't know it you can tell in the photo that it is busted because I lade it out so that it didn't look to bad in the photo.  Some day I should really get around to fixing this thing.  As I still own some of the hematite beads from this and it would would be ever so easy to fix.  Just one of those things I have not gotten around to.  I actually made a few of these that year  I gave some to my sister-in-laws as birthday or Christmas presents it has been to long ago for me to remember which.  I don't know if any of them have them anymore.
necklace close up


This next item was something I started about 10 years ago. I had this grand idea that I was going to make a lace short sleeve shirt out of beads well that never happened only the cuff of one sleeve did. Now days when I look at it I see the top of a small velvet evening bad that should be lined with silk. Someday it will happen, the purse not the shirt.  But till that happens I will just continue to keep them in their little tin box safe and sound.  But thought it would be nice to share such items with you.  I am sure most crafters have little things like this.  Things that they made that are sentimental and need to be fixed but that hasn''t happened or projects they started but never finished because the concept was either to grand or impractical.  But you know it would make a lovely evening bag with nice beaded tassel at the bottom and a beaded mess sides with a real dark rich burgundy or dark blue velvet showing through the black beads with an equally rich color inside.  It should also have silk cords to draw it closed.  When this was going to be a shirt this was the end of a short sleeve the part on the bottom of this photo was the edging to the sleeve.  If it becomes a purse that part will be the top of the purse.