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Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Sculpty polymer beads

handmade buttons and beads
I have been helping out at school a lot lately that is why I have not been posting much lately. I have been helping in the high school art classes. They are using Sculpty polymer clay I was showing them how to make canes to make beads and buttons and what ever else they want. I was also showing them how to use molds ( the face beads top right). I will be helping in there a lot in the near future. It is great fun and I enjoy being around the students. Does anyone know if fimo clay is similar or harder than sculpty I have yet to use Fimo so I was wondering. All the beads you see in this I made super quick so they aren't the best but they aren't the worst either. Some I made into beads some buttons all were made during the 50 min. class as I did the demo. They have since been fired and are ready for use. Because I made the beads so fast they are a little smusshed from cutting. If you let the canes sit for a while after making them before cutting (like a day or two) they firm up a ton and are better when cut.

1 comment:

  1. Regular Fimo is stiffer/harder than Sculpy by a lot. There is a newer type of Fimo, Fimo Soft, that I haven't tried, but supposedly softer like Sculpy.
    There are definitely pros and cons to both, (and I've never liked Sculpy's white, it tends to bleed after a while), and you can find your own perfect balance of how soft/hard you want your clay by experimenting with some of both kinds together.
