Where do you want to go

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Sock update

1/2 done with one sock
I have decided this first set of socks if for my Vavo. She is 95 years old and has a very old house with drafty windows and her feet get cold. I asked her if she wanted these when done her responce made me smile. " It isn't a matter of do I want them I need them". So because she needs them they are happily hers when I finish them. I hope she likes them. I am about half way done with the first sock these are going to be anklets as she has really never liked socks as they hit funny on her legs so these won't hit her legs and should be good that way. I think the hard part on this sock is done took me a while to figure out the heel as the pattern had a few details missing that it assumed you knew and now I do a the hard way terring out and reknitting several times for 3 hours solid till I figured it out. The next one should be a ton easier.

1 comment:

  1. It's looking great! I love to knit socks...and rarely knit anything else. I did a couple hats for my kids recently but went back to socks and have a pair on the needles for my sis in law's Christmas gift now. It gets easier...but even after knitting dozens of pairs I still LOVE it when I get past the heel..haha. Have fun!!
