Where do you want to go

Friday, August 28, 2009

On the way to school

I rounded a corner this morning on the way to school and this is what I was greeted by. We actually drove under it, it was about 20 feet above us. All the kids waved and the balloon pilot waved back too the kids got all excited. There was actually two balloons in the air but I only took photos of one. Didn't have my normal camera so these are with my razr sorry not better photos. It was fun watching them and seeing how they hid the sun and glowed then the sun would show up again. It landed in the parking lot of the school for a few moments then took off again. Just a pretty sight and thought I would share. Life is beautiful in the simple pleasures.


  1. What a nice surprise for you all. They look so lovely when there is a lot of them in the sky at once. Thanks for sharing.

  2. How cool! I absolutely love hot air balloons.
