Where do you want to go

Friday, August 21, 2009

Look what I found

size 2t 24 mos dress wip
When going through stuff to pack things up I found this half done dress size 24 mos 2t. That I was making out of sheer fabric and yarn. Sort of yoyo crochet but not in the way of the yoyo crochet tutorial. I hope to work on this this week end maybe getting the skirt done and a few more yoyos on the bodice. It would be nice to get this done. I have so many half done project it is ridiculous. I am one of those people that if I get an idea it bugs me till I start it. I always finish things just not always right after I start them. If I am making them for someone else or for a deadline then they are done fast. But if it is just for fun it kicks around for a while like this piece. Look at the size of the cone of yarn. Can we see a lot of pink whit things being made in the future and I mean a lot there is more on that cone than was on the yellow one. The dress still needs sleeves, neck line, and hem finished as well as 4 more yoyos.


  1. so cute! I'm with you on those half finished project laying around! I have a knit sweater and a dress and a few scarves, along with two embroidery projects that have been languishing for quite some time! Such is life. Kudos on picking this back up though, very sweet!

  2. Oh my gosh that is such a charming dress.
