Where do you want to go

Monday, June 08, 2009

Got Featured a Few Times

My tutorial seems to be well received; it has been featured a few times already. Some of these aren't even in English -- how cool is that! Other places linked, too, but I couldn't figure out how to find them (people told me they linked, but I couldn't find it or I would have linked back today to them).



On Ravelry it has been hearted (favorites) 82 times in pattern form and 7 times just as a project.

Flickr response is positive as well: 225 views, 18 favorites, and over 11 comments and the yoyo afghan group on flickr has 151 members and one person has even posted a picture of a project already started that she wants done by the beginning of next week to give as a baby blanket. How cool is that? Not to be weird or anything, but I figured after being a florist for so long people just lost interest in what I could do, and this makes me feel a lot better about being back to a full-time mom and crafter.

external brain

According to craftster, my afghan is one of the hot new projects.

Update, June 10th:


  1. I keep seeing it here and there! How fun! It really is a unique design and a fun new challenge foe people who are looking for something different than a granny square.

  2. You are exceedingly talented and that is a gorgeous, very unique pattern. Way to go!

  3. Very cool!!! How fun that I know someone "famous!!"
    It really is a great design. You amaze me.

  4. funny Jenny i think I am far from famous. I hope you are well.
    take care

  5. I am glad that you shared your pattern with everyone and I am glad I found your site. I found your site via craftzine. I will definitely bookmark your site for future inspiration and reading.

  6. Congrats to you - you deserve all this attention! You are a very talented lady and please never forget this.
