Where do you want to go

Friday, May 29, 2009

the start of something that may never end

is that a big ball or a camera trick
So we went thrift shopping a few days ago and found 6 balls (cones) of red thread size 20/2. Is it a camera trick or is that really a massive cone of thread. Yep it is massive no camera tricks well not many any way.
it is a big ball
My oldest daughter wanted something to do so I started a small granny square and told her to continue with it till the thread ran out. No small task as like I said there are six of these (wonder if I will get an afghan or a doily out of this endeavor). I just love thrift shopping so cheep and you can find real fibers like cotton, silk, wool and so on.
thread size and content
So she should have great tension by the time this is done. If you look at the photos closely you will see a tiny red line on the afghan or a tiny red thread around my daughters finger yep that is how tiny this thread is.
just starting long way to go
This will take a while but it will be a nice test of her patients.
thread and hook size
thread size 20/2 hook size USA 13 aka 0.7 mm


  1. Good for her, she is such a cutie and I love seeing children learning crafts. She should be proud of herself. BRAVO

  2. Wow,what a task master you are, 6 cones. She looks as though she is having fun. She may just surprise you and make an afghan for you. Not sure how long it will take her though.

  3. I don't actually expect her to do all six cones but she could if she wanted to. That is why I wrote wonder if I will get a doily or afghan. I want to see how long her patients is for one project. Mine isn't too long. I jump from project to project. Unless I have a deadline then I will stay with one till done. What ever she does she is learning so that is great at first she said it was like crocheting with hair because it was so fine and she didn't like that now after one day she said funny it just feels like normal thread now ( size 10) and not any differnt which was all I was trying to get her hands to learn. Doesn't matter what size yarn or thread you use your hands will get use to it quickly and it won't be any differnt than any other thread or yarn. Best to learn that young before people tell you working with thread is hard when it isn't.

  4. Its a lovely color and she is doing a really great job!
