Where do you want to go

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Dresses

Well, all the dresses and pantaloons are finished and they got to wear them on Easter. The middle daughter decided to share her lace, so all three dresses have hand-crocheted lace around their bodice that the middle daughter made. I snapped the photos before they got done getting ready to go to grandma's on Monday (we had a delayed Easter because of weather).

Youngest showing off pantaloons:
youngest showing off pantaloons

All three:
all three in easter dresses

I also made an apron for me to wear with a pocket to put the eggs in, but the girls required me to make a skirt for me to match them. I have never matched them before, so this is a first. I will have to get someone to take a picture of me later and add it. Ok, here is the photo; not the best picture, but an 11 year old took it. My apron hem is crooked. I will probably never wear the skirt again, but I will the apron. I will make the skirt into something else, maybe another apron.


  1. Love the dresses! What beautiful girls to show of your work! Thank you for sharing.

  2. I love the dresses! Especially the pantiloons! Your girls are adorable and I am loving the rabbit ears!

  3. bravo ! avec le petit pantalon en dessous tu es douée !

    elles sont très mignonnes toutes les trois !
