Where do you want to go

Monday, January 19, 2009

I am not Annemarie

Dec 31 2008
Just to clear something up, I am not Annamarie; she is a very nice person who likes to read my blog. She has posted me as a blog she likes to read, and this has caused a little confusion. Because she doesn't have a blog of her own, people seem to be getting us confused. I just wanted to clarify this because it seems to have been happening for about 1 or 2 months now.

Jan 19 2009
Since this is still happening I will bring this post to the top every time I get called Annamarie. Maybe it will stop soon, because it keeps confusing people.

February 7 2009
It happened again today so I will just bring this to the top of the posts again.


  1. LOL! Your "rant" made me laugh! People call me "Laurie" sometimes on my blog, and I'm not "Laurie". I never use my real name online for safety reasons. Laurie is someone who reads and comments on my blog and won a giveaway I had so lot's of people were congratulating "Laurie" for winning in the comments section and after that a few people started calling me "Laurie". I thought it was hilarious! Happy New Year to you, not Annamarie!

  2. lol !
    aéctually what anne-marie says on her blogger profile means " blogs that i'm FOLLOWING ", from the verb "suivre" . It has the same sound and writing than the meaning " blogs that I AM " , from the verb "être" :)

    She should probably have said "blogs that I love ", or "blogs that i read " :D

  3. Hello,

    I'm a regular lurker...come to you blog daily but rarely comment. I know you are interested in Turkish lace and I found a group you might be interested in. http://tr-tr.facebook.com/group.php?gid=64256959288 It is a facebook group for Turkish crochet and lace. It looks like some of the folks know English and if nothing else there are nice pictures at the bottom of the page and more you can link to. By the way, I lover you site :)


  4. I appologize terribly to have offended you in any way. The mistake was innocent. I understand now that anneamarie does not have a blog. Thank you for making it clear. Elizabeth

  5. thanks for the comment on my blog I was never offended just clearing things up as this is an ongoing thing with about 10 people.
    thanks and have a nice day
    wendy harbaugh
