Where do you want to go

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Help job wanted from home

Hello I am still looking for a job I can do from home. True, I currently have a job being a florist and will continue to do so as long as needed, but I'm just wondering if there are people out there who need a pattern tester. I can do that. I sew and crochet and tat and do other hand work; if you know of someone who is in need of a pattern tester, please refer me to them and them to me. Thanks!


  1. Hi: I do not know anyone personally who may have 'work from home' and have heard horror stories about those 'unknown' websites that offer 'work from home' However, this lady is legitimate, and is doing a good thing for the U.S. economy (my opinion)
    You may want to find out more information, which is all over her site. It seems to me this would be 'right up your alley'
    I wish you well. ^__^

  2. I actually know her I helped edit one of her books ( the stitching room) a while back and got paid for that. My name is in the book as a pattern tester and editor. Mary Jane Butters is a very nice person.
