Where do you want to go

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

yoyo crochet

So I finished my first square of my yoyo crochet afghan. I gave it ten rows of color and one row of boarder which will be two rows wide once other squares are set next to it.

block one

I have started on the second one; this one will be in purples. As you can see, it has a ways to go 'till it reaches the size of the first one.

block two a ways to go

These are made out of size 10 crochet thread. It is hard for most people to know the scale of this without some reference, so I have enclosed a photo with my left hand as a size reference (like any one knows that measurement) but you get the idea.

size reference size 10 thread

Made from thrifted, gifted, antique and clearanced thread.


  1. wow, sunshine! That is amazing. You are a crochet queen.

  2. I'm glad you put the picture of your hand and the project up. I thought the yoyo's were about palm size.
