Where do you want to go

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Thread Play

1/4 of block
On my morning and afternoon commutes the last little bit I haven't been crocheting lace edgings. I have been crocheting, and it is with size 10 thread, but I have been playing around with tons of one color and seeing where that gets me. I think this may be an afghan or something of that sort; as for how big, I have no clue. I think 10 rows of one tonal set then a black row is in order, then I will go on to other color sets once I have used up all my yellow. I like the fact that this sort of looks like yoyos. All the thread I am using to make this is vintage, antique and/or discontinued threads except for the black boarder; that was a clearanced thread at a store I frequent, but I do not know if it is dicontinued in anywhere other than that store.
size 10 thread block
Yes, I am working on more stash-buster things like the cathedral windows. Which, if all goes as planned, I can get photos of this afternoon to post the second and last half of the tutorial, but that doesn't seem to be the way my day is going at the moment.

I don't know about anyone else, but I am having the hardest time getting into the Christmas spirit this year. Usually I have been making gifts since June to give to friends and family, but because I work days now, it just didn't happen, and I just am not in the mood for it this year. My children's letters are very sweet and helped a little, and I have been trying to help the kids make their gifts for each other (got half way through one). I feel like a bah, hum bug this year which isn't normal for me. Usually I would have posted at least a half dozen things for Christmas, and so far I have only posted caramels.


  1. The afghan is lovely. The yellows are really pretty.
    I am with you. I am not in the Christmas Spirit yet. I make our gifts too and have run out of inspired ideas for my 3 girls.
    Maybe the weather has something to do with it. It feels like October.

  2. I love this yo yo afghan - so pretty. Don't feel bad - seems like so many are not into Christmas this year as compared to past years. I really feel all this economic mess is taking a toll on everyone. Happy holidays to you and your family.
