Where do you want to go

Friday, December 05, 2008

knitting video tube cast on

I am not much of a knitter; I really want to learn more so I can make socks and winter tights. Until some day when I get better at it (because I can cast on and knit and purl a little), I like to watch some videos to try and teach myself. I saw this one on You Tube (this video is not my work, but I thought other beginners might like it), it is really simple but looks like a good technique.

I should be able to get the rest of the cathedral windows tutorial up on Saturday. Sorry it isn't already up; most of it is typed, I just need to take the photos.

1 comment:

  1. That's astounding! I didn't get what she was talking about until she started cutting the waste yarn! Wow that is really a great tip!
    thanks for sharing.
    I too am trying to knit. I have been forcing myself to learn the continental method but I am nowhere as slick as she is.
