Where do you want to go

Saturday, December 20, 2008

9th day of the twelve days of Christmas

So the 9th day happened, and the girls all got a gift. Sorry, but I guess my husband is out on this one unless he wants to keep the bag. I waited 'till morning to take the pictures because I wanted them bright since all the photos lately have been taken when it is still dark out and it is driving me nuts to have such dark, gloomy photos. The quilt in the back ground I will post about on Monday.

So we received a real cute bag
day 9 of 12 front of bag
day 9 of 12 back  of bag and note
holding 4 sets of socks
items in bag on day 9
that actually fit us all (the girls that is; none for husband, but I don't think he would wear them anyway, wink wink)!
day 9 socks on our toes
Here is what the note reads:

Nine ladies dancing would be too big a crowd,
Besides, their music is way too loud.
If you danced all night you would have tired feet
So here are some socks, relax and have a seat.


  1. This is TOO cute! Love the socks and photo of the socks on...just adorable. They put a lot of work into those adorable sacks, too!
