Where do you want to go

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

12th day of the twelve days of Christmas and we come to the end

Our secret elves did not let us see them tonight, but they did tell us who they are. They are the young ladies in my church (teenagers 17-18 years old and their teachers at church). Can I just say how great that is to me that teenagers would take the time to make such fun for my children. The children got so excited each night I couldn't have asked for a better gift than to see my children excited about this sort of thing. I know, silly, but it was great fun for them.

We got ice-cream drumsticks tonight.
day 12 of 12 and we come to the end
Note reads:
The twelfth day has arrived, and on this our last night,
One dozen drummers would be a grand sight.
But the noise of their drums would hurt my head,
So eat these "drumsticks" we bring you instead.

And so we wish you a joyous Noel,
We know that you're hoping our name we will tell.
We won't keep it a secret because we love you.
Love, The Young Woman Laurels and Leaders too!


  1. Very cute!! It has been so fun to see what you got each night. I should suggest to my kids that we try this one next year. They have loved doing the Nativity Journey this year and last year too, so I don't think they will want to change that though. I sure appreciate THAT idea from you too!
    Have a wonderful Christmas!!

  2. What a wonderful holiday memory - but you are good at making memories for your children and it's a good thing that you got to be included in this one.

    Merry Christmas!
