Where do you want to go

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Happy Tears

Happy tears, sort of a weird thing. Today was the first day I didn't teach, but because I had the day off of work, I helped at school (to give the new teacher all my records and get her up to date with the class and what they are studying), except I left for a few minutes to take my sick daughter to her aunt's house. It was a hard day, to say the least. I cried both happy and sad tears today. Sad because I wanted to be teaching the students and be in the room with them during their class time, but that wouldn't be fair to the new teacher. My oldest daughter's class is across the hall from the two classes that had my students (I guess ex-students, now). So when school let out and the children came out, all my students saw me waiting for my daughter. Can I just say how great 2nd Graders are? They all said they missed me and wished I would come back and teach them and gave me hugs and told me they loved me (they thought I didn't want to teach them any more). I explained if I could I would, and I would still be their sub if possible. I also explained that they should be kind to their new teacher and be good for her. They said they would but that they liked me better as a teacher; very sweet of them, but at that point I fell apart crying. I have done that way too much lately (including now). I told them whenever they see me in the halls they are welcome to say hi and give hugs. Even if I am not their teacher in class, they are still dear children to me.
old drawing (1986-1987)
The second to last day I taught, the students asked if they could see some drawings I did when I was young. These images I took from ads in the early 80's when I was between 14-15 (ok, so I was young and the pictures look like it, but I think they are good for the age I was). One was, I think, a Chicago ballet ad and the other two are Christian Dior ads. They are not original ideas, but they are modified from the originals as the originals (the Dior ads) are photos of models and mine are stipple drawings. The ballet ad was water colors, where mine is prisma color pencils.
another dior add my version
dior add my version

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Long story short

It didn't happen for me; someone else gets to teach the children. At least I had fun with it for a month. Yes, it hurts, but it is nothing that will not pass; it did last time as long as I don't talk about it much.

Thanks for thinking of me.
Take Care

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Value studies

I was teaching Value studies today in art. So I brought in some things I did as a teenager as both good and bad examples of a value study. It was interesting asking students at a religious school what are values (mind you, these are 4th Graders). I did preface the question with the statement that it had nothing to do with morals, but they did not understand the question. After about ten students, a person got the answer correct. Then as we discussed pencil hardnesses and such and how to draw and what was a highlight in a graphite drawing and such, I could see the children light up as they figured it out. It was a very fun day teaching. I will find out probably tomorrow if I get to be their permanent teacher, or if this was just a fun event in my life. I do hope I get to be the children's teacher; I so do love teaching them, and they are such great students. Pray for me because it will be real hard to not get this a second time. I cried for a few days the first go round; it will be harder this time after having actually taught the children.

All the drawings and lithography below are my work, mostly from when I was a teenager, that I used as examples today. These are some of the drawings and such I posted today in class; some never got completed when I was young.

Good example of a value study
value study
Hand value studies
value study
value studies
value study
Face value studies, first one not as good as the second
face studies
eye study in value
Pencil and chalk drawing
pencil and chalk drawing
Example of incomplete work and a good example of a bad example of values (nose disappears).
unfinished drawing
Another good example of a bad example; see the face disappears into the background, also an incomplete work.
drawing of a clown of mine
High contrast value study
high contrast study
Seeing in reverse value study (there was a mirror used for 1/3 of the image)
working from a mirror as a teen
Good example of a value study
value study drappery
Good example of a value study
value study crumped paper
Good example of a value study
value study
Good example of a value study (lithograph image Title "Tree of Life," did this as an adult at BYU)
litho-graph tree of life

My classroom
70% of room
sink area art room
art room my point of view
art room
art room ( students point of view)

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Meet Angelina....

You would think with having little girls we wouldn't end up with pets like this.
Angelina praying-mantis
This is definitely a girl; she had a mate (that the girls also caught and put in the cage). She hugged him according to my children (mated) then she ate him and laid an egg. Yep, definitely a girl. This is not the same praying-mantis as the other day; that was another one they wanted to keep. I wouldn't let them have that many. Plus this one is bigger and would just end up eating another one.



Monday, September 22, 2008

First day of Fall

fall tree
Today is the first day of fall, and it was gray this morning and raining. I guess nature wanted to make sure we all knew it was fall in Utah.

The photo is from last fall on Temple Square in Salt Lake City.

The my Picot links seem to work again

I tried the links again this morning, and they are working again. I don't know why their site went down over the weekend, but it is back now. So go to the previous post and check out some cool crochet.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Gorgeous patterns and free too

I discovered a site, My picot, I have not seen before; I am only going to post a few links from it. Please go check out the site; do a lot of searching, it has some amazing free crochet patterns. On her blog if you look through all the posts you will find some other nice clothing patterns: hat, shirt, shirts and so on. She also has conversion charts and tutorials , specialty patterns, just an all around great site.

On a neat side note:
Have you checked out Martha Stewart's blog? She has a contest for bloggers to enter.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


My camera battery was lost so I didn't get to take photos of these arrangements until after they had been placed in the front cooler. It has strange lighting for photos, so not the best, plus I tried to mask other arrangements around the ones I made.

Cool vase
bud vase
Very expensive and nice vase
I made the one in front, Shay made the one in back.
bud vase

Monday, September 15, 2008

SARAH LONDON's Afghans and a quilt

If you have never been to Sarah London's blog please check it out; such lovely colors every where. I especially like her several posts on wool eater afghans with patterns and tutorials. Here are some links for you below. I will not post any of her pictures -- I want it to be a nice surprise when you see the afghans.

Her hawaiian flowers afghan:
  1. Hawaiian flowers
  2. Hawaiian flowers tutorial with pictures
  3. Joining flowers
Her loop loop afghan:
  1. Loopy lou afghan starter
  2. Edging and joining
Her square in the corner afghan:
  1. Visual of granny square easy enough to make from photo if you know how to make grannies, but it has a twist. l
Crochet conversion from UK/ Australia to American
  1. Conversion chart
Wool eater afghan
  1. Wool eater pattern
  2. Her flickr group on this blanket
Her hex granny, loop loop and weave afghans:
  1. Hip to hook
Selvedge star (string quilt):
  1. Part 1
  2. Part 2
  3. Part 3
Have fun looking at the eye candy, maybe even start a few to get rid of your yarn and fabric scraps.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Handmade lace box

handmade lace box
I have 4 boxes of lace in my house. This is the only one that is only handmade laces, there are a few knitted, a tiny bit of bobbin-lace, some tatted, and a lot of crochet. The other boxes are all machine made laces. I purposely put my hand in the box so you can see the size of some of these laces; some are large, some are small. This is the stash I am adding to with the commuter lace.
handmade lace box hand for size reference
lace box hand size reference

You might notice this last photo (above) has an orange and black lace that the other two photos did not. I forgot that one was in my purse; it is hair pin lace that I made. I plan on using it for a Halloween apron.

One floral. I would have had more but could not find my camera battery all week; my daughter found it tonight.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

So where am I...

Well I am still here; it is just that I somehow have lost my camera battery and can't take photos at the moment. I have been busy working at the flower shop and at the school. I am having so much fun teaching you can't believe it.

You know it is funny the things kids say. Three of the second graders kept starring at me the other day, so I asked them why. One thought I looked like Nanny McPhee (here came the scary part) I had to ask. "At the beginning of the movie (see picture to right) or the end during the wedding (how she normally looks see left)!?!" "Yes," she said, "the end of the movie." That was a relief. (These two photos have links as to where they came from -- they are not my work.)

So the second little girl kept starring at me, and after a while it made me nervous; you know that feeling like you have spinach in your teeth. I asked her if something was wrong, her response was " No, but did you know you are pretty!"

The last little girl kept it up the longest, so of course I asked her if something was wrong or if she had a question about the assignment. She said " No, but I didn't know princesses could be teachers!" I asked her why she thought I was a princess. She explained it had to do with the head bands I like to wear (see image to left). I don't think I look anything like Emma Thompson. I look like plain ol' me, not pretty or ugly just normal and I am happy that way. (Photo of me to the right.)

Who could have a bad day with little children like that!

Soon as I find my camera battery I will be back to posting; it has to be here somewhere.

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Old friend

Got an email from an old friend. Please check out his art work; if you like it, please leave him a nice comment and say sunshine sent you. After all, this is the person who gave me that nickname when I was 14 years old!

Just a few

oriental inspiration
Photo below: I was trying to mask some arrangements that where next to this one that had a real bad contrast to it. I know it looks weird (the edges in the photo) but, oh well.
tea pot arrangement
love the contrast dark and light
3  orchids
gerber daisies billy balls and mushroom
Bad photo, sorry!
gerber daisies and astromeria river cane t-leaves