Where do you want to go

Friday, July 18, 2008

Day 29 of an apron a day....

Another embroidered apron. This is a very lovely, well-used apron. The funny thing about this one is that the second butterfly never got its wings before the apron went into full use. This is another apron my youngest daughter would love. I am not sure as to what size person would wear this apron; it seems to be more child-like in size, about a 10 or 12 year old, but the straps are too long and have been extended. So I am thinking it was GGh when she was a girl, and her mom kept letting it out as she grew.
I love the old yellow edging on this apron. I have some, somewhere in my studio; I don't think mine is yellow, though. The trim comes from the time of 1910-1920.
So, I would guess the trim pretty well dates this apron as well as the style of the apron. It can be as late as the early 1930's as we all keep things in our stashes for a while or I wouldn't have trims that almost 100 years old in my sewing room even though I am only in my 30's.


  1. I love the embroidery on this apron - even if it is not complete. This is a really nice apron and the trim makes it even more special.

  2. These are my favorite kinds of aprons. I have one with different embroidery - well, a little different overall, that I dearly want to duplicate. Love the embroidery on this one!
    :-) Gina
