Where do you want to go

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Day 24 of an apron a day....

purple gingham apron
This is a sweet gingham apron. The thing you can't see from the front is that this apron is not done. On the back side of the apron, in pencil, is drawn some chicken scratch that was never embroidered on to the front.
chicken scratch on gingham apron
I believe this is one of those aprons that has never been worn. This is a four piece apron; it is hard to see, but there is a pocket on this half apron.

The era is probably the 1940's to 1950's.

This is one of the aprons I have already reproduced. My reproduction was in green, black, and orange, the Halloween apron. I didn't add the drawing of chicken scratch to the back of mine. I figured I didn't need to be that accurate in reproducing. Also, if I ever wanted to do that part of the apron pattern later, I could get the pattern off of today's post.


  1. Gingham is my favorite for aprons. The first thing I ever sewed was a green gingham apron with white rick rack - I keep it only for the memories associated with it.

  2. What is it about gingham that is so comforting? I love this apron.
