Where do you want to go

Friday, July 25, 2008

Another work day = flowers

butterfly 3

It was a real busy day today, so i didn't get time to take pictures of all the flowers I did that I liked because there were two weddings. I only took a photo of one piece, the other had eight bouquets and not one photo of those. Bummer. But I still got a few photos here and there.

butterfly 2

This first one I really like, thus three photos. Funny, when I put it in the front cooler to sell I didn't realize that I had placed it in the spots where the cooler's fan blows. I walked past a little while later and the butterfly was wigging; had to take a double take -- the fan was making it move. I thought that was funny and I liked it to. So, yep, I left it there to wiggle.

butterfly 1

I like the vase on this one and the white flowers. White flowers are my favorite of all flowers.

cool vase

I sort of like this, but I'm not totally happy with it mainly because the pain this arrangement caused my wrists. By the time I got to this one, my wrist was killing me. Now because I have to use my left hand as my right it is now hurting because it isn't use to it. My coordination went way down, and I even had a hard time just holding the flowers without dropping them by this time of the day.


Just curious -- do people like or dislike me posting flowers? I want to document this part of my life because it is always so fleeting. I make it and it is either for sale or already sold, and then it is gone in one or two days or in 1 hour to be delivered. My family, kids, never get to see what I make, so I mainly post this for them but thought others might like it, too.


  1. I love the photos of your flower arrangements. They are so creative and gorgeous. That is a talent that I do not have! I'm sure your job is hard work, but it has to be fun to create with such amazing flowers!

  2. I also enjoy the flowers and agree with Maria - flower arranging is such a talent and I wish I had some of this talent! How you do all this with a sore wrist is beyond me.

  3. I am LOVIN' your floral arrangements!
    They are so beautiful

    Thanks for sharing them!

  4. I absolutely love seeing your arrangements. It is another of your creative talents! Please keep sharing.

  5. I love seeing your arrangements. They are so pretty. I wish I knew how to do that!

  6. I love seeing every bit of your creativity Sunshine..from the flower creations to the crocheted work to the apron making..every bit of it shows just how truly talented you are..I for one enjoy everything you have shared..although I don't get to stop by very often to leave a comment..the times that I do I am always in awe at all of the lovely items you create...the flowers are no exception.
    I truly hope that your hand heals soon. have a good week.

  7. I love seeing the flowers!! Please keep sharing them. Being able to put together such pretty arangements, especially with a sore wrist, is a talent, and talents should be shared. :+)Thank you for posting them.

  8. I love flowers! I wanted to be an archiologist when I was young until I found out you didn't get to keep the mountains of jewels you dug up. So then I decided on florist,ended up a preschool teacher and mom. But the love of flowers has always been there.
