Where do you want to go

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Progress on kids and my crochet lace

One of my kids has finished her ball of thread -- the one doing finger crochet. I have finished mine and decided I wanted more lace, so I added another ball and I am continuing to crochet lace. The oldest hasn't finished her ball yet, but she is steadily working on it. My middle daughter seems to have hit a wall and hasn't progressed much. However, that is normal for her; she usually is a little more timid on picking up new skills. In time, she will go gangbusters on it when she is more comfortable with it all. But I may switch her over to tatting before she gets this because tatting may be a little easier for her to manipulate. I know that sounds odd, but it's true. Tatting is actually easier than most people think, especially if you start with chains and not rings, make a yard of chain, then make a foot of chain with picots, then switch to rings, and then join; then you have it.


  1. I love the laces you all are doing. I'd like to try the zig-zagged one~I'm new at crochet, but it looks do-able. ;)

  2. Gorgeous!

    I just realized that you are the "yo yo lady" whose blog I so enjoyed last year before my computer crashed and I lost all my links! So glad I found you again.


  3. Yep I make yoyos and lots of them. But all thingss in my life go in cycles at the moment I am focusing on gettting all these aproned pattern for my MIL and My future use.
