Where do you want to go

Saturday, December 29, 2007

WIP for my middle daughter

My middle daughter's Christmas gift. She can't wear it because it has no sleeves, and she's a very modest child. Which I am very happy about. So, of course, the question of "Mae, please make a jacket".

I started to make a shrug this morning, but I just didn't like the way the pattern was working out. Plus, I didn't think it would cover her in a way she would be comfortable with. SO I frogged that piece.

Then I just started to crochet without a pattern, and this isn't finished yet. It still needs the all important sleeves. But, even as it currently stands, it covers more of her than the top of the dress did.

Could someone explain to me why stores in Utah, where there is snow, don't put sleeves on Christmas dresses to keep little girls warmer? I would think it common sense that, "oh my, it is cold and there is snow out -- maybe sleeves would be good on the clothing for this region." Oh well, I know how to crochet and with a little bit of chenille and two ribbon roses, a cute jacket can be made.

I debated on adding a silver thread to the crochet to make it match the skirt portion of the dress more. The more I thought about it, the more I thought it a bad idea. Chenille is so soft, and metallic threads are so rough and scratchy. Why make a little girl itchy in her clothes when she could have warm fuzzy instead. So, no silver. Not bad for only one mornings work and no pattern

lace close up
Update: finished it Saturday night. I am thinking it might need buttons or some sort of closure; what do you think?


  1. Our dresses in Chicago are the same way. I think they want you to purchase the matching sweaters. That dress is so pretty! Did you notice all the black for girls this year?

  2. haha, I just moved to Utah from California (where I've been my whole life). We were just in the store yesterday looking for warm clothes for the kids. My exact words to my husband, "You'd think they would have warmer clothes since it's so cold here."

    Love your blog, BTW. I found it awhile back while looking for yo-yo tutorials.

  3. I think it is lovely as is! You could always put a seasonal brooch on as a fastener.

    :-) Gina

  4. It sure turned out cute...cuddly and soft looking. I like it just how it is!
    I agree about the warm weather clothes for girls in cold weather..we have the same problem all the time.
