Where do you want to go

Friday, November 09, 2007

Re-purposed Dress into Butterfly Slip / Prize awarded

antique butterfly lace

So the butterfly girl wants a butterfly bedroom, but that all has to wait a little. Because she is having a real big growing spurt, we made a butterfly slip yesterday and today. I found this yellow piece of lace at an antique store and bought it just because it had butterflies on it. I love the butterfly silhouettes on this.

Then, three days ago I realized my daughter had grown out of all three of her slips. So I came up with an idea to correct this.


At one time we had a dress that had tulle on it that kept ripping off, and I got tired of repairing it. So I cut off its underskirt, and sewed on lots of lace to give the slip volume to fluff up her dresses. Then took the pattern from the yellow lace, used size 10 thread and a size 5 steel hook and made three repeats of the pattern, also 3 solid rows so I had something to sew buttons to. Then I added crochet straps and attached to skirt. Wish I had taken a picture of the before dress; trust me, this is an improvement. My daughter is happy to have a so-called new slip, especially since it has butterflies on it. The lace is actually sewn on straight; it just looks funny in the photos.

500 Post Prize goes to:

"Javajem said...
Congrats on 500!!!
I always get inspired when I read your blog :)
Wed, Oct. 31, 2007 10:49:00 AM"

You can check out her blogs here, here, here and here

I will be sending out fat quarters, vintage mother of pearl buttons and other items. I need your mailing address to mail this to you. My email is on the side bar so you can send it to me privately. I would love to see what you make with any of the items.


  1. that slip is really darling. so very pretty.

    ~Seize the Day! Live, Love, Laugh~
    visit me at:
    and at www.stliving.net
    you can also check out my etsy shops at:http://GardenGooseGifts.etsy.com

  2. Thanks so much for the prize! I just emailed you my address.
