Where do you want to go

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Part 9: felt / sequins / big glitter ornamnets

cover image
  • felt
  • sequins, any type
  • big holiday glitter (I used snowflakes)
  • beads or any other embellishment
  • thread
  • needle
  • embroidery floss
  • thimble, if you use one
  • scissors
Because I am showing two ways of attaching sequins with and without holes, I made 4 ornaments; two for the giveaway, and two for my tree. This post counts as two ornament posts (you can leave a comment on yesterday's so that you get your name entered for today and yesterday) one for yesterday and one for today. Feel free to go back and post a comment on any that you haven't posted on to get the max entries for this giveaway.

Order of events:
  1. Get sequins and felt, and figure out your layout
  2. Sew on sequins/glitter (with sequins, of course, go through the holes).With glitter you are couching the piece of glitter down. Make sure to get a thread that is a close match to the color of your sequin/glitter.
  3. Add other embellishments such as beads (you can do French knots instead of beads; I just like holiday ornaments with more, not less, so I used beads).
  4. Edging; I did blanket stitch for some, and just an angeled stitch (a real wide satin stitch, meaning lots of space between the stitches) for others. Side note: You can make two and stitch them at this point front to back if you have an advent tree that is free standing. This way, no one would see your stitches on the back. I didn't do this because mine face the quilt, all hanging, and the backs are not seen.
  5. Add hanger and you're done!


  1. What cute ornament ideas and a great tutorial. I like how you've explained and illustrated it so it's all very clear. Thank you!

  2. Wow, you do such a good job with the sequins. I never thought about using ones without holes and just couching them... duh! Thanks!

  3. Delightful! I'm eager to see what else you have in mind.

    (And eager to be PICKED!)

    ; )

  4. Very pretty. Thanks for all the instructions.

  5. these are so cute- I never thought about using shaped sequins for something like this!
