Where do you want to go

Friday, August 03, 2007

needlepoint/piano bench

all of the needle point details
This Needlepoint item is going to be picked up tomorrow, and I never showed it completed, so here it is, all done. This is a piano bench. She had wanted this by February, but she went on a lot of trips, and we had a lot of sick kids and a move, so now is when it is finally being collected. Six months latter due to both of our schedules never seeming to mesh. She and I live about 80 miles from each other; that also adds to the not-able-to-pick-up-easily dilemma.
center harp


  1. This is a beautiful piece. You deserve applause for this. Truly a wonderful example of needlework.

  2. Just beautiful Wendy!! I havn't done a needlepoint project in a couple years. I love it! What a special piano bench!! Ours is totally plain..hmmmmmmmm
