Where do you want to go

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

G is for...

fall hat, originally uploaded by sunshine's creations.

Giddy with making hats at the moment. I am sort of on a kick at the moment of making fall-themed hats. I like the way they are coming out. Let me know what you think; I am sort of leaning toward they need some sort of embellishment like a flower or something like that. I have a few more made that I haven't taken pictures of yet; I will post them tomorrow.


  1. Love the hats, great job. They definately remind me of fall, and wishing for cooler days(sitting here in 105 degree heat).

  2. I think the hats look fine just as they are because of the plushness of the yarn and the overall design.

  3. I like them just the way they are...plenty cute with nothing added!!

  4. how lovely!!! great colors!!

  5. Nice, I bet that took a while...I like to make hats with the knitting loom. Love the colors here!
