Where do you want to go

Friday, August 10, 2007

D is for....

doll cupboard
Dolls, and lots of them. I have collected dolls since I was a little girl. My favorites are mimes and pirouette clowns. I have never been very found of hobo clowns, but I have a few of them because people have given them to me, but I much prefer the pantomime look. I also love raggedy dolls and Russian nesting dolls, too. I have other doll likes as well, such as miniature doll houses and paper dolls; I have lots of those. If you haven't figured it out by now, I have a few red cupboards in my house; three, to be exact. I love red along with black and white (white more as an accent color than a main color). There are a few more doll cupboards in the house, but those have the dolls in them that my children collect. Those cupboards are different colors than this one, one is blue, and one brown, but I will get them painted in time to either black or red or one of each.
inside doll cupboard
Click on this picture to go to flicker page if you want to know about each individual doll and where it came from or from whom it came.


  1. I would say that, that is a lot of dolls!!

  2. wow..what a collection. I have one of those stackable Russian dolls too..aren't they just the neatest?
    (by the way..I'm having a little drawing over at my blog..won't you join the fun?..the more the merrier)
