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Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Triangle Hair Scarf (free pattern)

part 11
Size E crochet hook and favorite yarn
(I am using sugar and cream 100% cotton made by Lilly)

**If you like my blog and the free patterns and tutorials and want to say thank you
I have a wish list on ravelry of patterns I would like to make. 
Thank you in advance for being kind and
saying thank you back.

Love Sunshine
But please do not feel like you have to**

You can use smaller yarn and a smaller hook It will just take you a little longer to get to the size you want a very forgiving pattern.

ch 5, form ring

Row 1: ch 4 (counts as 1 dc, 1ch now and throughout the pattern), (dc, ch1 in ring)x2 dc in ring turn.

Part one of pattern

row 2: ch4, dc in 1st dc, ch1, (dc in next space, ch 1) across, dc in last dc. Repeat row 2 to desired length.
Part 2part 3

Once you get to the length and width you want, chain 46, in second chain from hook sc in every chain giving you 45 sc on your chain. (If you want longer ties, make a longer chain).

part 411

Continue making single crochets down the side of the triangle. Make two single crochets around each double crochet or chain 3 whichever is there.

part 6

When you get to the point of the triangle, place five sc in the space at the point. (Your original chain 5 ring).

part 7

Continue as before making single crochets down the side of the triangle. Make two single crochets around each double crochet or chain 3 whichever is there.

part 8

When you get to the next corner, place 2 single crochet around the dc then chain 46 for next tie. Sc in second chain from hook, same as before. You will have 45 sc on your chain.

Sc in top of turning dc and in ch 1 sp, (sc in top of next dc and next chain space) across. Finish with a sc in top of last dc and slip stitch into back side of first chain on first tie strap. Cut and finish thread.

Part 9part 10

If you don't know how to crochet, and you want a triangle hair scarf, please go to my store. I have a few there already made for you to choose from. I will be adding a few more near the end of the week, including this one pictured below.



  1. yay, thanks for the pattern and the tutorial :)
    did you see you got a mention on CRAFT?

  2. Thanks for sharing the pattern. I used it to make myself a head scarf this weekend with Bernat Cool Crochet yarn and it came out great! I also found you though Craft.

  3. Hello Ms Harbaugh,

    I just wanted to thank you for posting the pattern for the Triangle
    Head scarf on your blog. I used it to teach myself to crochet. My
    darling wife has been wanting a new one for sometime. Thankfully I
    found your pattern.

    I was actually quite surprised how well it turned out for my first go
    at it. I do need to concentrate on loosening my stitches a bit. I
    found that crocheting is not that much different that chainmaille
    which I have been creating for sometime now.

    Again I just want to say thanks and I am sure my wife does as well
    being that this is her Valentine's gift this year.

    Look forward to future posts and fully exploring all the older ones
    as well.

    All the best,

    Joel Dorning
    Vancouver, WA

  4. glad you had fun with it,crocheting that is.

    I made chain mail in high school I wish I knew what happened to that skirt have fun sunshine

  5. Thanks so much! I'm going to make some for my mother in law, who is going through chemo treatments. (((((((hugs)))))

  6. Thanks for the tutorial. I found it very informative. :)

  7. Thank you very much, and have a blessed day!
