Where do you want to go

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Straw colored Layette set

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Last summer we had a few friends die in a plane crash. All three men left behind wives and children and unborn babies.
As each baby has been born, I have made a special one-of-a-kind item for that child. This is the last baby of those wonderful men. There have been two little girls and one little boy. This is for the second little girl; she is now 3 months old. This set fits 3 months to 6 months old.

The top picture is of the complete 4-piece set. The next three are of the jacket, close up of the jacket buttons and rose on sleeves. The last three are of the booties, bonnet, and a close up of bonnet detail. Click on pictures for bigger image.
The items below are what the other babies received as gifts as they arrived. I really enjoyed this labor of love making these items for our friends. I hope that they will in time be cherished items in these families and passed down for many generations to come. The blue items below and the blanket went to the only boy in the group.
This is the dress and bonnet that went to the other little baby girl in the group.


  1. Please give us the low down:
    size, yarn, needle size, pattern, any details, we desire details!!!

  2. What a wonderful way to give something special to these babies and thier families. They are just beautiful and I am sure filled with love.

  3. Wow, I am sure they appreciated your thoughtfulness and talents to support them! This was a difficult and trying experience, and I know your heart went into these for their families!

  4. Gorgeous! Are these original patterns that you designed? I love the beautiful layette.
