Where do you want to go

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Part 2: Monte L. Bean Museam

A little while back I posted about my family going to a museum; here is some more from that trip. We had a lot of fun that night; I just feel like showing pictures for the kids to see. So if you have some boys who are into reptiles and some girls who are not squeamish, have a look. Iguana
I have never been fond of animals that have been to a taxidermist. They are educational but creepy.
I just love the color of this monitor lizard. They had some tortoises there; this one was playing hide and seek a lot and had a thing for trying to eat white tennis shoes.We saw a reptile show while we where at the museum, both a girl and a guy hosted the show. The guy was way more into reptiles than the girl was; half the animals, I think, were his own personal pets. See, she doesn't look very happy and she was not happy with the reptiles the whole time, either; just not her thing.Really large snakes and other things! The girl in the bright pink is dinner size for the snake skin if it was still alive.
Blood python, Dumas boa ( from Madagascar), reticulated pythonBlood python

1 comment:

  1. What an interesting museum! I always love the reptile shows - it was always fun to hold the snakes, and have both girls and boys touch it and find out it wasn't cold, and definitely not slimy. They always think snakes are slimy! It's so cool when the presenter is really into the animals, too.
