Where do you want to go

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Circles of love

Recently, on one of the forums I belong to, a lovely lady lost her fiancé to a bad car accident a short time after her father had a heart attack. So the ladies on the forum are making circles of love. The above picture shows my two. They will be made into a round table cloth to show we care for her. She is training to be a chef and loves cooking and setting tables, so this will be a reminder that she is not alone. In case you are curious these are the size of a cd and will appliquéd down to a round (circle) tablecloth.


  1. Awww...these turned out beautiful!! Great job!

  2. Hi, sunshine. I like your circles of love. I also like that expression and wil lrmember it in case our Craft and Chat church group need or want to do something like this. I am working on mine right now. Hope your daughter is doing better. i went to get a flat rate box at the PO today, but our office had NONE! She promises me one for tomorrow. Then, off will go a box for her.
