Where do you want to go

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Part 3: On Vacation in Cali, Kids art

While we were in California, my oldest daughter saw a set of cookie cutters to make a ginger bread sleigh in a magazine. Little did she realize her Tia (aunt in Portuguese -- my older sister) was getting it for me so I could use it for Christmas 2007. After much study of the magazine, and a few discussions with Vo-va, she decided she just had to make one out of paper. So, without a pattern so to speak -- just looking at the photos in the magazine, she came up with this. Pretty good, too. I guess she is turning out to be like mae (pronounced "my" -- means mom in Portuguese).

She decided it would be best to use card stock for the body of the deer. But the sleigh had to be made out of paper. We questioned her on this because that was a weak thing to use. She had a good reason for going for the weaker product. It was for aesthetics. She wanted the sleigh to look like it was made out of wood. So she figured that the stripes on ruled paper looked like planks of wood. How's that for an idea. I forgot to say Santa is made out of card stock, too. Here is the cute thing -- she added Rudolph and colored his nose so you would be sure and know it was him, the fact that she wrote the names of all the deer on their bodies didn't matter; she had to be clear on that point, that this was Rudolph.