Where do you want to go

Monday, January 08, 2007

Mommy and kids time

Sunday I was taking a nap. When I awoke ,my kids had been trying to make clothes pin people and had asked their daddy for clothes pins and pipe cleaners. They all looked like mummies; white and pink fuzzy mummies. I offered to help if we could undo the first ones, and I would get them more supplies.

So, after about 10 minutes of looking for supplies, I found scraps of fabric, more pipe cleaners, scraps of handmade lace (both crochet and tatted), yarn, paint, glue and tape. Then for about an hour the kids looked through all of the supplies to figure out what they wanted.

This is what all of us, together, came up with. They made little girls giving away Valentine's. I guess they have seen me making so many Valentine's lately they have Valentine's on the brain, as well.

Kids defiantly have different ideas. The oldest daughter gave hers an apron and long flowing hair. The middle daughter gave hers a shawl over the head and a bun. The littlest daughter wanted a ballerina so she retrieved a really long piece of hand made lace and we gathered it for her tutu; this one is also singing if you notice her mouth.

1 comment:

  1. you sure take me back. we used to make these and hollyhock dolls. they are adorable!
