Where do you want to go

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

garlands and advent in blog land

Soulmama has this garland, and Anna has this one, and Heather has this version.
So, there seems to be a theme of garlands. Allsorts has an advent one, while pink chalk studio is making an advent tree.
I think we have a trend. Posy has her advent socks, and Pyglet Wispers is opening her advent tree. I am starting to get the feeling that Christmas is coming; if you don't feel it yet, happy things just put up her garland of stockings advent calender to wrap them all up. I am sort of feeling it is garland time. I have an idea -- just no time to make it. I thought of a swag out of yo-yo's getting big and little; if someone else likes this idea ,go ahead and use it, then show me. Thanks. I mean real little to real big.


  1. So where's your advent thing? =) I'm doing a Christmas poem a day on one of my blogs. desertskyquilts.livejournal.com

  2. I will doing something like that I am collecting photos for a sort of Journey to Bethlehem that will start in a few days. Which talks about the meanings behind the nativity images.
